Meuro-Tech is representing in electron beam welding the companies Steigerwald Strahltechnik GmbH and Präzisionstechnik GmbH. In robot arc and laser-hybrid welding is as partner the world leading robot and welding power supply company Carl Cloos Schweisstechnik Gmbh.

The pipe cutting and beveling technology are the partners Mϋller Opladen GmbH and Protem GmbH. In surface cleaning and modification has Meuro-Tech as partner the innovative laser equipment supplier Clean-Lasersysteme GmbH.



The Welding Society of Finland (FSW) is established in the year 1949 and has over 3000 personal and 120 company and education units as member.

In the year 2015 is FSW organizing The 68th IIW Annual Assembly and Internal Conference in Helsinki, Finland. Meuro-Tech was one of the additional sponsors of the event. Mr Ismo Meuronen, CEO of Meuro-Tech, has been the president of FSW during the years 2008-2016.
